Personal branding Lanna Hill Personal branding Lanna Hill

Awards: worth the time & effort?

Something we get asked about a lot at Leverage are awards. Are they worth the time and effort to apply, do they really matter in the grand scheme of things? How do you know which awards are considered credible, and which ones won’t do you (or your brand) any favours?

Here’s our two cents on how you can navigate the world of business or industry awards, and what you should consider before throwing your hat in the ring.

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Personal branding, Media Lanna Hill Personal branding, Media Lanna Hill

Experts, KOL’s and influencers – how do they differ and what do they bring to your PR strategy?

Third-party endorsement is nothing new in the PR world, and if you're one of the 1.21 billion monthly active users of Meta's Instagram, you've probably heard of the marketing buzzword “influencer" or “expert” - but what about key opinion leader?

With over 28% of the world's internet users on Instagram, integrating influencer marketing into digital content strategy has elevated the way brands communicate with their target audience across digital platforms.

Influencer, KOP, and expert aren't interchangeable terms - so how do they differ, and what do they offer your PR strategy?

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